Testing Guidelines

3 Reasons You Should Invest in High Voltage Testing

When you hear the words, “high voltage,” your first thought may be “danger.” High Voltage is often associated with dangerous environments that cause injury and death. Why would you want to purposefully bring high voltage onto your production floors? Because testing with high voltage can prevent the dangerous situations you are worried about. Here are 3 reasons why you should invest in high voltage testing.

 1. Prevent Future Errors

High voltage testing can catch errors that may not be a threat at first, but could one day become a problem. Imagine building a cable with weak insulation that passes the final test. As far as you know, there is no problem with the cable. Once the cable is shipped and is functioning inside the end-product, that weak insulation soon causes problems for the user. Depending on the use of the cable, the problem could cause annoyance, frustration, injury, or even death. A high voltage test would catch that weak insulation and you could resolve the problem before the cable ships.

2. Expand Your Market

High voltage test systems can cost more, but will pay off over time. If you are a shop that specializes in cable assembly, a high voltage tester will give you the competitive advantage. Many businesses seek clients who can test using high voltage because they want cables that are thoroughly tested and error free. Your high voltage tester will bring in the type of business that will grow your company and expand your market.

3. Raise your Confidence

Different high voltage tests will guarantee different functions of your cable or harness. A dielectric breakdown test tells you how much voltage can be applied before insulation fails. A dielectric withstand test tells you that the cable can withstand the required amount of voltage for the required amount of time. An insulation resistance test tells you if the resistance of the insulation is high enough. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently provide your customers with quality cables.

 For more information on high voltage testing, check out our Hipot Testing FAQ at cirris.com. You can also schedule a high voltage training class from one of our experts.

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