Many cable and harness test shops perform a test on a cable to check for defects. Before performing the final test on a cable, here are a few tasks test technicians should consider.
1. Safety Check
Check all equipment and software. Look for loose cords or damaged fixturing. Bent pins or broken connectors and adapters could also create a safety hazard.
If performing any High Voltage Testing, check any extra safety features used to keep operators safe. Be sure these systems are functioning correctly before beginning the final test.
2. Ask about Problems
If the test technician did not build the cable, make sure to ask the manufacturer about any problems that may have occurred during assembly. The test technician can check to make sure these problems were fixed or if a problem still exists.
3. Check for Common Problems
Over time, test technicians may start to recognize common problems found during the final test. Successful test technicians will check these for things before starting the final test. In this way many problems are found and corrected before the test begins, allowing the tester to find only the irregular defects.
4. Check Cable Specs
Another good habit of test technicians is to study the cable specifications before testing. Look for anything out of the ordinary. Depending on test setup, this task may be done during test program creation. This may also happen when the test technician performs a “learn” on a cable then verifies the test instructions. Either way, checking the cable steps is an important thing to do before initiating the final test.
5. Check Tester and other Equipment
As stated in the safety check, inspecting your test equipment is a crucial step before performing any test. Make sure to look at your tester, cords, fixturing, add-on features, software, and even the device being tested before testing.
Test Technicians following these five things can help ensure a testing experience with less hassle and more success. It does not guarantee fewer errors, but test technicians will have an easier and safer time testing.
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