Cirris attends tradeshows all over the world. In every city we visit, we invite customers to visit our booth, learn about our products and the wire-processing industry, and ask questions.
In many cases, a tradeshow is the only opportunity we have to meet with customers all year. In order to take full advantage of the opportunity, we come prepared to answer your questions and discuss topics that will benefit you and your shop.
Topic #1: “Why automated testing?”
Many of the people we speak with at tradeshows are new to the wire-processing industry and are still using hand beepers to test cables. They may see automated testers the same way a model boat hobbyist might view a speedboat engine. It’s not something they can afford or use.
However, when we speak with these people at a tradeshow, we are able to show them that automated testers are far more attainable than they believed. The tradeshow provides an opportunity to demonstrate our products and talk about benefits of automated testing to those people who may not realize what automated testing can do for them.
Many happy customers first met Cirris at tradeshows because they were curious enough to ask if our product could be useful for them. Are you one of those customers?
Topic #2: “I’m confused by…”
Meeting customers face to face gives us the chance to explain features and concepts that may have been the source of confusion or frustration. Whether a customer is confounded by high voltage settings or can’t stop their fixturing from causing errors, Cirris reps can listen and find solutions to the problems customers present.
Cirris is always pleased when customers seek us out at tradeshows to discuss testing issues. These opportunities give us a chance to improve the customer’s experience and we learn how to improve our service in the future.
Topic #3: “We bought our tester years ago.”
Cirris products are made to last through thousands of cables and years of testing. A time comes for most shops when a new tester will benefit them more than the current tester they already own. At tradeshows, customers can see firsthand how an updated cable tester will help them.
Rather than look for testers on the internet or have them described over a phone call, tradeshows give the customer a chance to try out a tester and have questions answered as they come up.
Some customers come to the Cirris booth specifically to ask about upgrading their tester. Others stop by to see what new products we have to offer. No matter the reason, customers are welcome to take a close look at our products and see if a new one can offer them more benefits.
We are happy to help everyone who attends a tradeshow. No matter what brings you to a tradeshow or what topic you wish to discuss, our representatives are looking forward to answering your questions and discussing your concerns.
Further Reading:
4 Ways to Get Up to Speed On Cable Testing Industry Trends
Who Shouldn’t Buy a Cirris Cable Tester?
That Brand You Trust