Cirris Products

Upgrading Cirris easy-wire Software from Very Old to Current

As Cirris produces new versions of our testing software, easy-wire, we want to ensure an easy transition from previous versions to the current release. To help with this, the upgrade process was designed so new versions of the software are installed according to a certain method. Not following this process can cause problems and interrupt your cable testing.

If you haven’t upgraded for several years, please call Cirris Tech Support so we can walk you through the steps of upgrading to the latest version. Attempting to upgrade from an older version to the current version can go wrong easily. Tech support is trained to help you overcome the obstacles of upgrading.

The best way to upgrade is by keeping up with the latest versions of easy-wire as they are released. These newest versions are generally announced on the news page of, in our monthly newsletter, in press releases published in industry publications, and on the easy-wire page of You can also call and ask a Cirris representative about the latest version.

Check out the most recent easy-wire release by clicking the link below.

easy-wire current version


Further Reading:

Cirris easy-wire Power User Package

Are you using the wrong test method?

What to Do if Your Cable Isn’t Passing

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