Product Advice

Can you calibrate your own Cirris tester?

To get accurate results, your automated testing equipment must be calibrated. An uncalibrated machine can skew results and damage your company. With this in mind, how do you know if your tester is calibrated correctly?

Start by purchasing a Performance Check Kit from Cirris. This kit will tell you if your tester is calibrated like it should be. The Performance Check Kit will NOT calibrate your tester.

If you discover your tester is out of calibration, you will need to send it to Cirris or a third-party calibration lab. They will be able to recalibrate your tester and return it to you.

Do not try to calibrate your tester on your own. Calibration is a delicate process that requires detailed knowledge of the tester’s hardware. Attempting to calibrate your own tester could result in costly damage to the machine.

Read more about Calibration on the FAQ page in the Calibration section of

  Calibration FAQ


Further Reading

Is Your Tester Calibrated?

Cirris Training Classes

Automated Testing: A Manufacturer’s Secret Weapon

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