Do you know how to test a cable that contain a twisted pair? Conventional tests cannot detect all the errors associated with twisted pairs. There are techniques you can use to get a more accurate test.
Use the following practices to help when testing twisted pairs.
Use short interface cables
The interface cables should be 1/3 of the total length of the cable-under-test.
Adjust for poor quality
If the twisted pair is not shielded correctly or the wires are not twisted sufficiently, you’ll want to compensate for the problems with the interface cables.
Add length for testing
When the cable specs call for twisted pairs too short for accurate testing, one method is to double the length of the twisted pair, test it, then cut it in half.
Use a Cirris tester capable of testing twisted pairs
The Cirris CH2, Easy Touch, 1100H+, and Touch 1 are all capable of performing basic tests on twisted pairs. Different tools will be needed for performance tests.
For more detailed information on twisted pair testing, read our article in the Learning Center.
Further Reading:
When to Call Tech Support
Which Tester Should I Buy?
What to Do if Your Cable Isn’t Passing